
Reviews Online 3/5 days Social Panorama with Lucas Derks

Reviews Online 3/5 days Social Panorama with Lucas Derks2023-11-24T14:52:24+00:00
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Reviews: Online 3/5 days Social Panorama with Lucas Derks

The training  was an eye opener training for me.

Regards, dr. Rogers Console

The Social Panorama model stands out as one of the most effective and versatile tools in the realms of coaching, therapy, and personal development. Throughout this exploration, we have witnessed the immense potential and transformative power of this model in addressing a wide range of issues related to interpersonal relationships and communication dynamics.In the fields of coaching, therapy, and personal development, the Social Panorama model has proven to be an indispensable tool, enabling professionals to guide their clients toward enhanced self-awareness, healthier relationships, and a more fulfilling life.
Elina Hyvärine, NLP master practitioner/transformational coach.

Social Panorama is an expansive toolset to fix, tune, adjust the current to the desired. And it is like putting on a silencer on a laser guided weapon, it works on target with precision and with zero or least resistance. Procedures are both innovative and simple to apply. With awareness of core NLP it become usable and efficient.
Shantanu Das Sharma, NLP trainer, Neuromind Leadership Academy.

This knowledge will be definitely great benefit! I’ve already started to use Social Panorama techniques in my coaching practice, results are great. Warmly,

This is great, thank you so much! I really enjoyed the workshop and look forward to bringing this wonderful method to life in my work . All the best and truly much love to both of you .
Warm regards Jutta

I am blessed attending with both of you & experiencing abundance & genius in training 🙏 To all the best to come. With Pure Love & Gratitude,
Mai 💞

I would like to thank Dr. Lucas and you for the wonderful Social Panorama training! It was really great! I enjoyed every minute of it. It was very informative and so interesting! Dr. Lucas generously shared his knowledge and experience and it is so precious!

I love Social Panorama because I’ve been using it a lot in my work with people and it always gives wonderful results. I used it a lot working on my own issues and know how powerful this method is. I’m going together with Alexander Safronov, the Ambassador of Social Panorama in Russia, to promote it in our country. Besides I’m thinking of starting promoting it in Dubai among English-speaking people as well.

The training was organised and held very well. All the materials were explained and demonstrated by Dr. Lucas very clearly. The proportion of theory and practice was well balanced. I don’t think that in February we need more practice than theory. I’m mentioning it because one of the participants, unfortunately I don’t remember his name, said that he would prefer to have more practice. As for me I think that it is more important to receive the precious knowledge from Dr. Lucas and we always can practice more afterwards.

Thank you so much again,

I’m looking forward to the continuation of the training in February,

Dear Jacqueline, I would like to thank Dr. Lucas and you again for the wonderful training! It was a pleasure and honor to be taught by the creator of Social Panorama himself! The training was very informative, interesting, exciting, practical and beneficial. Thanks to the training and Dr. Lucas’s explanations and answering questions, I understood many very important subtleties of the method and details, which I didn’t find in his books and other materials. And I’m using Social Panorama and Mental Space Psychology techniques all the time when I’m working with my clients.
Warm regards, Lilia

Dear Lucas.
Thank you for this unique social panorama experience and looking forward the next two days in February. I admired your humor and caring spirit, embracing participants’ concerns amid digital micro problems. It was a deep structure material.
As for me, honestly, I thought, before I tried the Family Panorama method with this client, that it is such a long process and most probably I wouldn’t use it in my work much. I do a lot the Reimprinting and it seemed to me that it was easier and shorter. But after practising Family Panorama, I realized that I enjoyed doing it and my client as well. There was no need to go to the childhood traumatic situations, remembering them, replaying, reliving them, talking to the family members, etc.
Now I realized that the Family Panorama method is more pleasant, and it gives wonderful results! So, from now on I will use the Family Panorama method whenever my clients have a problematic behavioural pattern lasting for long. Thank you so much for Family Panorama and Social Panorama as well!