
Registration for: How to teach Social Panorama by dr. Lucas Derks (Online)

Registration for: How to teach Social Panorama by dr. Lucas Derks (Online)2023-05-23T17:54:21+00:00

Registration for: One day online with Lucas Derks for social panorama consultants who teach social panorama.

Registration form

First name*
Last name*
Your country of residence*

Invoice information
Company name on invoice*
If nessecary, which address
Email address*
Website, if you have one

Contact information
Email address*
Phone number* (We will only use it if nessecary)

Background information
Your organisation, your profession and relevant education
Your familiarity with MSP or Social Panorma and/or how did you hear about it?
When did you do the Social Panorama Consultant training?
At which institute and with which trainer?
Do you have the Consultant Certificate?
How do you use the Social Panorama in your therapeutic work?
How do you plan to use the Social Panorama in your work as a trainer?
What NLP knowledge do you have?

Upload een foto van je certificaat
Upload een foto of PDF:

Thank you for your interest and participation, and we look forward to seeing you

Jacqueline Heemskerk

Lucas Derks PhD