
Training: How to teach Social Panorama by dr. Lucas Derks (Online)

Training: How to teach Social Panorama by dr. Lucas Derks (Online)2025-02-19T16:23:31+00:00
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One day online with Lucas Derks for social panorama consultants who teach social panorama.

This is an online training day for practicing trainers eager to learn additional skills for transferring the Social Panorama. Lucas Derks will address a list of typical issues that may help facilitate the teaching of the social panorama to individuals and groups. Some examples: didactical steps, terminology, similarities – distinctions with other methods, philosophical clarity, evaluation and organization. This day serves only to improve the quality of spreading the social panorama skills: the training is certificate free.

The day is meant for certified social panorama consultants who have a considerable practical/clinical experience with the social panorama. Who are capable in the most common NLP skills and do include the social panorama in their training repertory.

The participants are expected to have read the book “Social Panoramas” (Derks, 2005), or a translation thereof. Also, the participant needs to be in possession of the post 2011 “Social Panorama Consultant Handouts”, because this will be used as reference.

Lucas Derks will present the typical topics of his choice and will respond to questions. Also there will be room to discuss the issues. Our hopes are also that, the participants will stay connected after this day to some of their like-minded colleagues.

The day will start at: 9.30 am Amsterdam time and end about 18 pm Amsterdam time.
Find your time: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=online+international+Master+class+by+dr.+Lucas+Derks&iso=20250927T0930&p1=16

Zoom-links will be send the day before.

Jacqueline Heemskerk (Name, country, email, phone, and area of application of the social panorama-teaching and also some lines of information about your experience as a trainer and with the social panorama are required.

The training will be held on Saturday, September 27, 2025, online.

Participation requires 250,- Euros.
Social Panorama book and handouts can be acquired separately. (www.somsp.com/shop)

Register for this training